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How to choose a suitable cement retarder in long cementing interval well?


cement retarder
In many complex geological conditions of deep and ultra-deep wells often encounter long cementing problems. Sometimes in order to save costs in developing wells, reducing bushing level, but also requires a longer sealing cementing.
In the process of long Deep well cementing, in order to meet the requirements of high temperature cycle time of construction, cement slurry is added a large number of high temperature retarder, when the top of the grout back to the low temperature range, due to the high temperature retarder ultra-retarding effect at low temperatures, easily lead to long-term non-condensable cement.
So it’s an important challenge to solve the super retard problem in 80-120 C degrees temperature difference during the cementing operation. This issue is not only affect the qualtity and increase drilling cycle time.
Therefore, we developed a new HT retarder RTD-H CEM, the retarder has wide temperature range, to meet a wide temperature range of 30-180 C degrees to meet cementing demand, and high temperature strength development of large temperature difference in good condition, does not exceed any retarding phenomenon.

Xinxiang Kolanky